This 1985 short story is about a young woman who leaves her children at a bus stop and refuses to take them back. The excuses she gives for her behavior made this a controversial story. In this story, the author alludes to the the classic Buddhist tale, Wetsandorn Chadok [from Pali: Vessantara Jataka], one version of which was composed in the reign of King Mongkut, Rama IV. In the original story, the Lord Buddha, in his last re-birth -- as a ruling prince -- gives up his children to a vile Brahmin (a person of the highest caste in India) as an act of perfect, i.e., detached generosity.
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Text |
| Wetsandorn
Chadok |Kan Matsii
| Short Story
| Thai Literature
Story: Sri Daoruang
Translation: Susan Fulop Kepner
Design: Jenjit Gasigitamrong
![]() | ศรีดาวเรือง. "มัทรี." ใน มัทรีรวมเรื่องสั้น ๓. อยุธยา: ทานตะวัน, ๒๕๓๓. |
![]() | Kepner, Susan Fulop, trans and ed. "Matsii."
Lioness in Bloom: Modern Thai
Fiction about Woman. Berkley: U of California, 1996. 95-103. |