FLIN 421 -- Introduction to Indonesian Literature
Pramoedya Ananta Toer -- This Earth of Mankind
1898 Queen Wilhelmina wearing Art Nouveau jewelry
Perempuan Berkalung Sorban -- see 1:26
Pramoedya Ananta Toer:
This Earth of Mankind -- excerpts
The last time I watched wayang
The Writer's Responsibility -- Patricia Henry
Power Point: On the Edge -- The Writings of Pramoedya Ananta Toer Between the Worlds of Colonial Java and Independent Indonesia (a looong time to download!)Sukarno -- The Year of Living Dangerously Speech
Indonesia's killing fields: https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/101east/2012/12/2012121874846805636.html
Violance III by Dadang Christanto (1995)
Interview with Max Lane, about translating Pramoedya
Daftar PUISI sebagai bahan Lomba Pidato 2010 ; Anak SD Juara Puisi Rendra Tk. Nasional
Khotbah -- W.S. Rendra
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dytmgo2V0rE = Komunitas Seni Etnis: Macapat then Khotbah oleh RendraRendra: Poems -- Surat Cinta ; I write this pamphlet; Sebatang Lisong (1977)
"Sajak Pertemuan Mahasiswa" ini dibacakan Rendra di UI pada 1 Desember 1977, sekaligus menjadi adegan awal film "Yang Muda Yang Bercinta" karya Sjumanjaya yang dilarang peredarannya ; Di YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdwQFoB7Tcc
Jakarta Post article on prostitutes
Hendra Gunawan, Three Prostitutes, 1978, oil on canvas
Poems: Serat Kala Tidha, Siapa lagi bisa menahan diri, Walking westward in the morning
Two poems by Mohamad Haji Salleh
M.M.M. -- Five Animal Tales by Pak Prijana Winduwinata
Link for "The Bottomless Well" by Arifin Noer -- see also the Lontar e-library: https://library.lontar.org/
Links for Idrus and Pramoedya
Idrus: Surabaya
Pramoedya: Bukan Pasar Malam see also https://seap.einaudi.cornell.edu/system/files/indonesia_index.pdf for more translations
Links for Ramayana / Mahabharata / wayang/
The Balinese Kakawin Tradition -- Helen Creese
The Old Javanese Ramayana -- Patricia Henry; see esp. Fig. 2
Hana anonton ringgit
Ramayana-Mahabharata-Wayang ppt
Ramayana pictures -- see also: https://seasite.niu.edu/Indonesian/ramayana/ramafs.htmhttps://seasite.niu.edu/Indonesian/Ramayana_mahabharata_notes.htm
Sita sings the blues youtube link
MC Yogi - Rock On Hanuman, Live @ Toby's from MC Yogi on Vimeo.
Peter Brook Mahabharata -- with Czech subtitles!
Amba: 9; Pandu's hunt: 16:20; Kunti's secret: 19:20; Draupadi: 50:16; The Dice Game 1:12:44;
Draupadi's humiliation: 1:21:29;Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHlbKj-a8k4&list=PLF4744B8512F422E3
Amba again: :30; Arjuna and the Kirata: 30; Arjuna and Urvasi: 37:48
Draupadi stripped -- Indian version
Arjuna and the Kirata -- Peter Brook clip
Kakawin prosody article:
https://kitlv.library.uu.nl/index.php/btlv/article/viewFile/1728/2489Mabasan Arjuna Wiwaha -- Praise of Shiva: https://youtu.be/VUCnkvskYRk
Wayang Orang -- Arjuna Wiwaha: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Cc9woz8jEU
Opera von Java -- Drupadi Open: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBvhV3dCekQ see minute 14: "Pengumuman"
Dewa Ruci Wayang on YouTube; Dewa Ruci on SEAsite
Wayang Listrik article from The Jakarta Post
Wayang Islamhttps://angkringan.or.id/page.php?id=801 tentang wayang citra
Gender in Indonesia: Bewitching Women, Pious Men;
review of The Javanese Family, by Hildred Geertz
Rendra: Poems -- Surat Cinta
All That is Lost = Yang sudah hilang
Mari Ruh Kemari; see also https://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2013/02/11/for-gods-sake/
No-Drama Obama & Javanese Kingship -- then see the comments below, esp. by Tim Behrend
Sumpah Pemuda -- and more Sumpah Pemuda ("Youth Oath")
Gurindam & Wangsalan -- disguised language
Men Klodan Klonceng -audio
Sutarji Calzoum Bachri -- see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutardji_Calzoum_Bachri; YouTube: Tragedi sihka dan winka1; Tragedi Sihka dan Winka 2;
Chairil Anwar: poems
article from Latitudes
"Chairil Anwar's Heritage: The Fear of Stultification..." by Henk Maier in Indonesia 43Kanon Sastra: Siapa Takut?-- Ayu Utami
Articles about censorship in Manoa 12.1, 2000
Silenced Voices
Special Focus: New Writing from Indonesia CONTENTS